KMT presidential candidate seeks to boost US arms sales to Taiwan
Hou Yu-ih says strengthening Taiwan's defense is priority
Hou Yu-ih says strengthening Taiwan's defense is priority
Hou Yu-ih says strengthening Taiwan's defense is priority
Hou Yu-ih says strengthening Taiwan's defense is priority
Upgrade to extend service life of aging tanks
Upgrade to extend service life of aging tanks
Mobile rapid mine dispensing equipment will be mounted on trucks
Mobile rapid mine dispensing equipment will be mounted on trucks
US government officials concerned about backlog of weapons shipments to Taiwan
US government officials concerned about backlog of weapons shipments to Taiwan
Defense minister to discuss progress of arms deals at Legislative Yuan Oct. 24
Defense minister to discuss progress of arms deals at Legislative Yuan Oct. 24
Renovated building to play key role in intensifying Taiwan-US defense relationship
Renovated building to play key role in intensifying Taiwan-US defense relationship
Presidential Office thanks US for its support of Taiwan's defense needs
Presidential Office thanks US for its support of Taiwan's defense needs
Taiwan to send NSC secretary-general to meet US assistant secretary of defense
Taiwan to send NSC secretary-general to meet US assistant secretary of defense
Kevin McCarthy urged US to quickly send weapons Taiwan has already purchased
Kevin McCarthy urged US to quickly send weapons Taiwan has already purchased
Act would speed up review process of weapons sales to Taiwan
Act would speed up review process of weapons sales to Taiwan