TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The Taiwanese representative office in the United States will set up a separate agriculture department to promote farm and fishery products from the island, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said Tuesday (November 26).
While trade relations between the two countries were growing ever closer, there was also a need for testing and controls, the Liberty Times reported. The U.S. agreed last month to allow the import of Taiwanese guavas in a major breakthrough for the island’s farming sector.
The Council of Agriculture was reportedly planning to send four representatives to start working in the U.S. next January. At present, the office in Washington, D.C. counts 200 members of staff, with the economy section responsible for agriculture, according to the Liberty Times.
MOFA spokeswoman Joanne Ou (歐江安) said the ministry was optimistic about the further development of agricultural contacts and exchanges between the two sides.