TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The latest design for the presidential and vice presidential inauguration was released Monday (May 11).
The coordinator of the upcoming presidential and vice presidential inauguration, the General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC), released the latest designs for the ceremony on its Facebook today (May 11), which feature young Taiwanese graphic designer Yeh Ting-yu's (葉庭語) brightly colored images.
The GACC explained that the government has been working with young Taiwanese creatives in order to level up the aesthetic choices of the official departments. The 27-year-old designer Yeh has already collaborated with government departments multiple times, such as for the Presidential 2020 New Year card and the Double Ten Day logo design group.
This time, Yeh's work is an extension of Aaron Nieh's (聶永真) commemorative product designs for the ceremony, which use geometrical shapes to showcase various political concepts, such as democracy, according to GACC.
Yeh's way of invoking democracy in her art is to reference Taiwan's highest mountain, Yushan; she also applied ears to the images to portray the Tsai government as listening to the people.
The design can be spotted on gift boxes, invitation cards, and VIP passes for the event.
(Facebook, GACC photo)