TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A photo of a "mother" Mercedes Benz giving birth to a "baby Benz" on Tuesday (Aug. 11) went viral in Taiwan.
On Tuesday, a Taiwanese user of the Facebook group Breaking News Commune (爆笑公社) posted a photo of a Mercedes-branded electric children's car protruding from the back of a Mercedes Benz sedan. In the caption, the Facebook user wrote "This is the first time I saw a Mercedes in the process of being born ... I was was very moved by this picture."
Within the past 48 hours since going online, the post has garnered 39,000 likes, 1,000 comments, and 511 shares. The most popular comment, with 730 likes, was an image of a toy BMW behind a "fully grown" BMW SUV with the caption "Here is a newborn BMW."
Other comments poked fun at the costly car's predicament:
"The position of the fetus could be incorrect, trapping it in the birth canal. It's time to go from the small clinic to an emergency room in a big hospital."
"The rear car should be careful not to run over the new baby."
"No wonder Mercedes are more expensive. They are not easy to raise."
(Breaking News Commune photo)
(Breaking News Commune photo)