TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Members of the public are invited to make use of the extensive, free wireless internet services available across Taiwan, said the National Development Council (NDC).
According to the NDC, Taiwan has more than 9,700 access points (AP) at transportation hubs, tourist attractions, and other public places. The service allows for convenient internet access for residents and travelers alike.
People have been able to access the “iTaiwan Wi-Fi” service without needing to complete a login process since July 1, 2020, as part of the government’s effort to improve the quality of service. Anyone can click “agree” to the terms of service and go online.
iTaiwan has been used a total of 440 million times since its launch in October of 2011, reported CNA. The service can be identified by name at public venues and is searchable online.
The NDC pointed out that iTaiwan hotspots are available at public facilities such as major transport stations and airports, freeway rest areas, national parks, and tourist hot spots. Work is underway to boost the number of iTaiwan APs in remote areas across the country, and over 200 locations are currently available in indigenous villages, the council said.