TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — GACC (General Association of Chinese Culture) announced Friday (March 12) morning the first solo exhibition of Japan's contemporary artist Nara Yoshitomo was wildly popular and there was a three-hour line to get in.
The exhibition opened Friday at 10 a.m. with a viewing of the veteran artist's signature work titled "Miss Moonlight." There is also a version made exclusively for Taiwan named "Hazy Humid Day."
President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) popped down to Kuandu Museum of Arts on Thursday morning for a preview peek at the artist's works created between 1984 and 2021. The art reflects Nara's peaceful mind in recent years after the severe earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan's Tohoku in 2011.
One hour after the exhibition opened GACC said there were 800 people waiting outside the museum. Due to COVID-prevention a limited number of people are allowed in at one time and for just 15 minutes.
According to GACC's 11 a.m. announcement the waiting time to get in was nearly three hours. As such the organization recommended that people delayed visiting.
The exhibition in Taipei will run until June 20 so there is no need to rush, GACC added. The exhibition will head to Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts in July, followed by Tainan Art Museum in November.
Read more: Taiwan's president peeks at Nara Yoshitomo's heartwarming show
《#奈良美智特展》於今 (3/12)開展,現已大排長龍,截止目前約八百人排隊等待,等待時間約需三小時,爲顧及觀展品質,主辦單位文化總會發布:本日請暫緩前來觀展,《奈良美智特展》展期自即日起至6月20日(日)止,有三個月的時間供民眾安排前往觀展,請民眾不急於第一天前往。
由中華文化總會發佈於 2021年3月11日 星期四