TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan's artificial intelligence, offshore wind energy, and integrated circuit (IC) design sectors will face major talent shortages over the next three years, according to the National Development Council (NDC).
In a report on the demand for talent anticipated by 2023, the NDC said AI, offshore wind energy, and IC design are expected to experience the worst talent shortages among the country's 21 major industries.
The other sectors include communications, design services, travel, lodging, tourism, banking, cybersecurity, data services, smart machinery, solar energy, semiconductor materials, food production, securities, aerospace, shipbuilding, naval ship manufacturing, investment trust, and insurance.
NDC Deputy Minister Shih Keh-her (施克和) said the shortages will account for about 13.9 percent of the manpower needed for the domestic AI industry over the next three years. Meanwhile, the talent shortfall in offshore wind energy development and IC design will be 13.7 and 11.7 percent, respectively, he said.
In terms of the total number of talents needed per year, the insurance sector has the highest recruitment demand at 14,000 people. It is followed by smart machinery (9,000), lodging (7,000), and IC design (4,600).
According to the report, the main reason for talent shortages in local industries is the "insufficient number of university graduates." "Skills mismatch" and "high employee turnover rate" have also contributed to the problem.