TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Health Minister and Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) on Wednesday (July 21) said that an announcement will be made within the next two days as to whether the limit on gatherings will be lifted if and when Level 3 restrictions are lowered next week.
At a press briefing that afternoon, Chen said that given the improvements with the outbreak in Taiwan in recent weeks, the center will likely lower the Level 3 alert to Level 2 on July 26. He indicated that limits on the numbers of people who can gather indoors and outdoors will also likely be lifted as well.
Over the past two months, since Level 3 restrictions were implemented nationwide, Taiwan's COVID positivity rate has dropped from a peak of 5.2% to only 0.06% currently. Taiwan has gone 27 days with less than 100 confirmed COVID cases and this week marked five days with less than 20 cases.
Chen said that within the next two days, the CECC will announce whether the rule barring five or more people from gathering indoors and 10 or more people from congregating outdoors will be lifted. He said that the lifting of these crowd limits will be contingent on whether the Level 3 alert is downgraded.
Chen emphasized that the loosening of regulations will be implemented based on the four principles of gradual progress, proper planning, strengthened prevention, and adaptability.