TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Imports of Australian fresh vegetables to Taiwan have increased by over 20% from 2020-2021 compared to the previous 12-month period, reflecting the country’s growing appetite for fresh produce from down under.
Australian vegetables reportedly enjoy a reputation for being safe, high-quality, and, thanks to the hemispheral difference, offer a counter-seasonal supply, which gives them a competitive advantage in the market, according to a Fresh Plaza report.
"The Australian vegetable industry has been active in the Taiwanese market for many years,” AUSVEG CEO Michael Coote said.
“(This is) highlighted by the success of the industry to achieve a three-year compounded growth of 11% from 2018 to 2020 for fresh vegetable exports,” he said.
Over that period, the top performers have been onions, up 63%, potatoes (19%), and carrots (144%), according to sources cited by Fresh Plaza.
Australian produce looks set to grow into the future. The expansion of retail outlets in recent years has also given Taiwanese consumers greater access to a larger variety of food. An increasing preference for safe and healthy food products is also driving demand.
"Australian vegetables are known around the world for their high quality and reliable 52-week supply," Cootes mentioned.
"Australian growers have worked for many years to develop good relationships with buyers in Taiwan and to understand the Taiwanese market so that growers can capitalize on the opportunity to supply the market with high-quality produce,” he said.