TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As the CCP continues to rile against the recent U.S.-led diplomatic boycott of the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics, an article in the Australian media has highlighted China’s own long and colorful history of sporting boycotts.
China is the “gold medalist” for Olympic boycotts, according to a report by the Spectator Australia report, having staged no fewer than four full boycotts over the decades. This historical fact seems oddly inconsistent with Beijing's claim that the recent U.S.-led diplomatic boycott is a "political manipulation and a grave distortion of the Olympic Charter."
The first time China boycotted the Olympics was when Australia held the event for the first time, in Melbourne in 1956. Chinese athletes were a no-show at Tokyo in 1964, Montreal in 1976, and Moscow in 1980, per the Spectator.
“These were full boycotts, not simply the diplomatic boycotts imposed by the US, Australia, Canada, the UK, New Zealand, and Lithuania (to date) on the Beijing Winter Games,” the report reads.
The report goes on to highlight how compromised the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has become, revealing that their uniforms are supplied by a Chinese clothing company that manufactures textiles in Xinjiang province, likely exploiting Uygur slave labor. The report also slams the IOC’s tacit support of the Chinese regime throughout the recent sexual abuse scandal of Chinese tennis star Peng Shuai (彭帥).
Calls for punitive action against the IOC have recently appeared in other Western media outlets, such as The Hill, based in Washington, D.C. Last week, Michael Mazza, a think tank researcher, published an opinion article in the newspaper calling on the U.S. State Department to sanction IOC officials and ban them from entering the U.S., arguing they had abetted China’s ongoing human rights abuses.