TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The National Property Administration (NPA) announced on Tuesday (March 8) that 4,479 hectares of state-owned land has been successfully transferred to the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP).
Of that land, 66% is in Hualien County, 27% in Taitung, and 5% in Pingtung, per a CNA report.
The NPA said state-owned land that meets the established criteria comes under the authority of the CIP in accordance with legislation passed in 2007.
After an area is approved as an Indigenous reserve by the local district office, the Cabinet considers it for approval, after which the NPA transfers authority over the area to the CIP, the NPA added. The CIP then handles the process of granting Indigenous residents lease rights or ownership of the land according to relevant legal provisions.
In order to effectively implement the country's Indigenous land policies, the NPA will continue to coordinate the transfer of state-owned land in an effort to protect the livelihood and land rights of Indigenous peoples.