TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A truck driver will be fined for spilling a dead pig and pig organs from his vehicle and blocking off an entire lane on a bridge in Chiayi County.
CNA reported that the Chiayi County Police Department Minsyong Precinct received a report on Thursday morning (March 31) at 11:24 a.m. about a truck that spilled pig organs as it crossed the Lunzi Bridge in Xingang Township. When the police arrived at the scene, they found a large dead pig and a pile of organs lying on the surface of the bridge, emitting an “unbearably foul smell.”
The police immediately notified the environmental protection bureau, which sent cleaning vehicles to clear the bridge of the waste and disinfect the area. The bridge finally reopened after two hours of work.
CNA cited the Chiayi County Police Department as saying the truck had begun its journey from Shanhua District, Tainan City, carrying pig organs to Yunlin County where they would be made into feed. However, due to not shutting the back door properly, the organs spilled out as the truck crossed the bridge.
The truck driver will be fined between NT$3,000 (US$100) and NT$18,000 for violating the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act.
The Environment Protection Bureau works to clean up the spilled pig organs. (Chiayi County Police Department photo)