TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on Sunday (May 15) announced 68,769 new confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 68,732 were local and 37 were imported, as well as 19 deaths.
The local cases included 32,706 males and 36,003 females between under five and 100 years of age. The genders of 23 local cases are still under investigation.
Among the local cases, a total of 125 were moderate and severe cases, including the 19 deaths.
Among the reported deaths, 12 were male and seven were female. They ranged in age between 70 and 100, and all of them were severe COVID-19 cases with a history of chronic illness. Among them, eight had not taken any COVID-19 vaccines. They were confirmed to have contracted COVID between May 2 and May 12 and died between May 7 and May 13.
The imported cases included 20 males and 10 females, with the genders of the other seven cases still under investigation. They ranged in age from 10 to 70 and arrived between April 29 and Saturday (May 14). The origins of the imported cases are still under investigation.
Taiwan has so far recorded 768,543 cases of COVID-19, including 12,206 imported, while 1,068 people have succumbed to the disease.