TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A supermoon will appear in the skies over Taiwan at 6:44 p.m. on Tuesday (June 14), and it will be 7% closer, appear 6% larger and 12% brighter than regular full moons.
The Taipei Astronomical Museum, which is situated in Taipei City's Shihlin District, posted this photo on its website of a supermoon climbing over Taipei 101 to announce the arrival of the astronomical phenomenon. At its closest on Tuesday night, the moon's apparent diameter will be 33.5 arc minutes.
According to the museum, there will be two supermoons this year, one on June 14 and one on July 14. The museum explained that full moons and new moons that occur within 360,000 kilometers from earth, or less than 24 hours away from perigee, are considered supermoons.
The museum said that on Tuesday the moon will be about 357,656 kilometers from earth, about 7% closer than usual. The moon is expected to rise at 6:44 p.m. in the evening and will officially become a full moon at 7:52 p.m.
For those who miss the supermoon this June, the next one will appear on July 14 when the apparent diameter of the moon will reach 33.7 arc minutes, making it the largest full moon this year.
(Taipei Astronomical Museum photo)