TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A junior high school student was struck by a gravel truck as she walked on a zebra crossing in northeast Taiwan last week and was later declared brain-dead.
On Jan. 3, a female student surnamed Yu (游) from Municipal Dongshanguomin Junior High School in Yilan County's Dongshan Township, was struck by a gravel truck as she crossed a crosswalk and fell into a coma. On Friday afternoon (Jan. 6), doctors determined that Yu was brain-dead and as she often participated in public welfare projects, her parents decided to take her off life support and donate her organs, reported Liberty Times.
Yu, who was a second-year student, began walking home during dark, rainy conditions after class on Jan. 3. However, at 5 p.m., when she started to walk across a zebra crossing with a green light, she was suddenly hit by a 35-ton gravel truck, which had run a red light, causing her to sustain severe head trauma with a Glasgow Coma Scale of three.
Girl's shoe seen under truck. (Yilan County Police Bureau photo)
Surveillance camera footage of the incident showed that the truck had exited from a Formosa Petrochemical Corp (台塑石化) gas station and turned right onto Donghsan Road. After weaving around a car that had the green light on Anzhong Road, it hit Yu, who was crossing Dongshan Road from west to east.
When first responders arrived at the scene, Yu had lost all vital signs and was rushed to St. Mary's Hospital Luodong to undergo emergency treatment.
After submitting to a breathalyzer, the 47-year-old driver of the truck surnamed Huang (黃) was found to have a blood alcohol level of zero. Prosecutors are investigating Huang for negligent homicide (過失致死罪) for running a red light.
First responders tend to Yu after accident. (Yilan County Police Bureau photo)