TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A Chinese noodle soup product has been ordered off the shelves by Taiwanese authorities over alleged Chinese propaganda on the packaging and import violations.
Liuzhou Snail Rice Noodles (柳州螺螄粉) imported from China were found to have "You are Chinese, and I am too. Round it up and you are mine.” (你是中國人,我也是中國人,四捨五入一下,你就是我的人) written on its packaging.
In a press conference on Monday (Jan. 16), members of the Taiwan Statebuilding Party (TSP) said the Chinese noodles were in violation of the Regulations Governing Trade between the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area (臺灣地區與大陸地區貿易許可辦法) over what they believed was part of Beijing’s unification propaganda, per Up Media.
The slogans on the packaging should be removed, the goods pulled from the shelves, and relevant authorities be held accountable for the incident, the party said. The import of the noodles also calls attention to the various types of cognitive warfare China deploys against Taiwan, the party warned.
The Bureau of Foreign Trade said on Monday night it issued an order to pull the product from the market. Customs will beef up inspections as a crackdown is underway.
Those attempting to smuggle relevant products into Taiwan will be fined, have the goods impounded, and have their import permit suspended or even revoked, the bureau said.