TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — An accident in Fengbin, Hualien County, involving a coach bus and a car on Saturday morning (April 8) resulted in the bus falling off a bridge into the creek below.
CNA reported that a driver and five passengers were aboard the northbound coach bus when it crashed head-on into a car going in the opposite direction at 7:30 a.m. The car was reportedly making a left turn into a campsite, though the exact cause of the accident is still being investigated.
After the coach bus broke through the bridge’s barrier and fell 5 meters down to a creek under the bridge, the driver became trapped in the vehicle and had a broken right foot and pierced shoulder. A female passenger on the bus was thrown out of the bus by the force of the accident and was found at around 9 a.m. showing no signs of life.
Together with the driver and the woman, another passenger who sustained severe injuries was sent to the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. Two lightly injured passengers were sent to the Feng Bin Aboriginal Branch Hospital; one passenger had no injuries.
The driver of the car was unharmed, though the passenger had light injuries. The vehicle was severely damaged with a wrecked front.
Rescuers try to reach passengers in the coach bus. (CNA photo)
The car's front end is destroyed by the impact of the crash. (CNA photo)