TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Two men in Miaoli City were arrested for disassembling and stealing equipment from a military vehicle on public display, reported on Sunday (June 18).
An armored amphibious landing vehicle (LVTP-5E1) fitted with minesweeping teeth attachments was donated to Miaoli County by the local Marine Corps Veteran’s Association in January 2022, and it was on display at the Maolimiao Parent-Child Park in Miaoli City. Two local men, surnamed Hseih (謝) and Chang (張), were arrested for dismantling and stealing the teeth from the front of the vehicle, as well as some equipment from inside the cab, reported UDN.
On June 4, it was discovered that 24 of the 26 large steel minesweeping attachments were missing, along with the vehicle’s loudspeaker, antennae, and some items from inside the cab. Miaoli police immediately formed a special team to investigate and track down the missing items.
The minsweeping teeth attachments before they were stolen. (CNA photo)
It was discovered that Hsieh, 29 years old, apparently slept several nights inside the vehicle in May, after he discovered that the door could be opened. Cameras also recorded him and his accomplice Chang, 31 years old, removing the large steel dozer blades.
Hsieh was arrested on June 9, and Chang was found and arrested several days later, on June 15. Their case has been referred to the Maioli District Prosecutor’s Office.
UDN reported that the entire batch of steel blades was sold to a third party for NT$15,000 (US$490) and had already been processed at an industrial site by the time officers discovered where they had been sold.
Other items stolen from the military vehicle. (CNA photo)