TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Climate Change Administration (CCA) of the Ministry of Environment (MOENV), Taiwan’s first agency dedicated to confronting climate change, was officially inaugurated on Tuesday (Aug. 22).
This marks the commencement of a new era in climate action and a step toward realizing the national vision of "Net-Zero Sustainability and Resilient Homeland."
The CCA inauguration coincided with the foundation of the new MOENV itself, 36 years to the day after the founding of its predecessor, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). New Environment Minister Shieu Fuh-sheng (薛富盛) offered congratulations on the inauguration of the CCA and said that the global pursuit of net-zero emissions is a goal that resonates among the government, businesses, and the entire population.
Since the 2050 Net-Zero Transition Goals announcement two years ago, the EPA has provided support along with its subordinate agencies, and the Cabinet has proposed the net-zero pathway, formulated 12 key strategies, fostered public dialogues, and approved several action plans.
The CCA is intended to play a crucial role in terms of regulations, systems, and governance. It will also provide support in aspects such as research, organization, and funding toward the net-zero emissions goal.
“Net-zero emissions are a formidable challenge,” said Minister Shieu. From academia and research institutions to legal entities and large domestic enterprises, Taiwan has been trying to find climate solutions by actively engaging in research, the MOEVN said.
Taiwan cannot turn away from global trends and the nation must commit to participating in international climate actions and join hands with the world to combat climate change together, the MOEVN added.
Minister Shieu said he hoped the CCA will accelerate its efforts in regulations, systems, and governance, providing the industry with clear guidelines. Achieving net-zero emissions in response to climate change cannot rely solely on government initiatives, he said.
It will require a fundamental shift in daily habits by every individual, Shieu noted, while comprehensive education for the entire populace is also crucial. In the future, Taiwan will undoubtedly play a significant role internationally in achieving net-zero emissions in the realm of climate change, according to Shieu.
Dr. Tsai Ling-yi (蔡玲儀), director-general of the CCA, also explained that 2023 is a pivotal year for Taiwan's journey toward achieving net-zero emissions. In January, the Climate Change Response Act was passed in the Legislative Yuan after three readings. In April, the Cabinet approved the "Twelve Key Strategic Action Plans" and also gave the green light to establish the Preparatory Office of the Climate Change Administration to accelerate relevant initiatives.
In pursuing the vision of “Net-Zero Sustainability & Resilient Homeland,” the CCA will strive to accomplish five major tasks:
- Climate Governance and Net-Zero Transition - The Climate Change Response Act has established a framework for climate governance. Crucially, the CCA must enhance both horizontal and vertical coordination and integration, facilitating collaborative efforts between central agencies and local governments to drive forward the net-zero transition.
- Inventory Management and Collaboration with Businesses for Carbon Reduction - Carbon inventory is fundamental to carbon reduction. Currently, many large corporations have established inventory capabilities. However, in Taiwan, there are more than 1.59 million small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), representing more than 80% of Taiwan's total workforce. The CCA must expedite assistance to these SMEs to enhance their inventory capabilities and actively work with them to reduce emissions and achieve net-zero goals.
- Carbon Pricing and Reduction Incentives - Carbon pricing is a crucial global strategy to accelerate carbon reduction. Under the Climate Change Response Act, there are two main tools: one is to collect a carbon fee for dedicated purposes, and the other is to incentivize voluntary reduction through a quota trading mechanism. Both tools are meant to encourage businesses to actively reduce emissions and will help facilitate comprehensive national reduction efforts and the steady development of a low-carbon economy.
- Adaption Capacity and Resilient Taiwan - The latest phase of the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan is currently undergoing review by the Cabinet. In the future, the CCA will reinforce science-based approaches and prioritize adaptation measures for vulnerable groups and community-based initiatives. This will contribute to the overall enhancement of Taiwan's adaptation capacity in responding to climate change.
- Climate Dialogue and Public Participation - Achieving net-zero emissions requires collaborative efforts from governments at all levels, as well as the participation of citizens, businesses, and organizations. This involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions, developing carbon-negative technologies, and promoting international cooperation. In order to limit the global temperature rise to within 1.5 C, Taiwan must provide a better environment for future generations. The CCA must work hand in hand with various sectors to build a resilient Taiwan and create a sustainable net-zero homeland.