TAIPEI (Taiwan News) —Two male teens in Hualien's Zhuoxi Township reported a Formosan black bear in distress on Sunday (Aug. 27).
They contacted the Hualien Forest District Office at 3 p.m., and a 30-person rescue group was dispatched to the mountainous region. It was difficult to reach the bear, and several trees had to be cut down by chainsaw to access its remote location, per CTS.
Formosan black bear caught in trap. (Forestry Bureau photo)
At dusk, the group finally reached the adolescent female Formosan black bear, who weighed just 34 kilograms. The bear's right forelimb had been caught in a snare trap for at least 2 days, leading to necrosis below her right palm and wrist, requiring amputation.
The rescued bear was then sent to the WildOne Wildlife Rescue Center for observation and recovery, with the hope that it could be released back into the wild. The teenage hikers who reported the bear in distress assisted with the rescue, and authorities praised their commitment to protecting wildlife.
This is the second incident where a black bear has been caught in a snare trap in the Hualien or Taitung areas within the past week, for a total of six incidents within four months.
Formosan black bear requires medical attention after being caught in snare trap. (Forestry Bureau photo)
The Hualien Forest District Office is working with three indigenous organizations in Zhuoxi Township to patrol bear habitats and eliminate unsafe snare traps. It also urges hunters to use improved and more humane hunting gear.
It reminds the public that if they encounter a black bear that is trapped or injured, they should immediately report the incident by calling 03-8325141 or the 24-hour hotline at 0800-000-930.