TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) expressed its condolences to Morocco, following a devastating earthquake that occurred on Friday (Sept. 8), which resulted in over 2,000 deaths.
In a tweet on Saturday (Sept. 9), MOFA shared its hope for the safety of the local residents in Marrakesh. The ministry said it will watch the situation closely to determine how Taiwan can help during this difficult time.
Our heartfelt condolences to the people of Morocco following the devastating 6.8 quake near Marrakesh & our deepest hopes for the safety of local residents. We will watch the situation closely to see how Taiwan can help.
— 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC (Taiwan) 〔錯誤字元無法儲存〕〔錯誤字元無法儲存〕 (@MOFA_Taiwan) September 9, 2023
Taiwan’s National Fire Agency under the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) reportedly has a team of 120 search and rescue personnel on standby to be dispatched to Morocco if needed. The team is awaiting authorization and instructions from MOFA, reported Reuters.
On Saturday, MOFA said it is in contact with local representative offices to understand the situation. As of now, there have been no reports of Taiwanese citizens affected by the disaster.
Morrocco’s city of Marrakesh was struck by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake on Friday night shortly after 11 p.m. The quake’s epicenter was in the High Atlas Mountains about 72 km southwest of the city.
Initial reports indicated that the death toll was near 300. However, by Saturday evening, the number of fatalities had climbed to over 2,000, with another 1,400 people in critical condition.
For those who would like to support the rescue effort, donations can be made to the Moroccan Red Crescent Society or Doctors without Borders.