TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The newest addition to Taiwan Railways Administration's (TRA) fleet of train engines, the E501, was unveiled in southern Taiwan on Saturday (Oct. 28).
The arrival of the first of the E500 series of electric train engines was long awaited by Taiwanese train enthusiasts. The E501 was displayed to the public briefly at Pingtung’s South Station on Saturday, and drew around 6,000 people eager to catch a first glimpse of the engine, reported Liberty Times.
The E501 arrived from Japan at the Port of Hualien on Sept. 17 but was covered in white tape. After import procedures, it was taken to the Hualien locomotive depot on Sept. 23. It then made a brief journey to the Chaozhou factory and warehouse in Pingtung.
On Saturday, visitors to the South Station platform outside the Chaozhou warehouse could see the new train engine up close and appreciate the striking orange and black color scheme. The public was also given the opportunity to tour the inside of the train engine, per Liberty Times.
The E500 trains were originally purchased from Japan’s Toshiba Corporation as part of a 2015 vehicle procurement deal. They are scheduled to join regular service with the TRA fleet in May 2024.
In the meantime, the train will undergo testing and be used to train TRA operators.
The electric E500 series of trains are reportedly the first trains in the TRA fleet equipped with a 4G network safety feature to immediately alert TRA engineers to any anomalies or malfunctions with the engine. Toshiba’s electric train design was recognized by Japan’s Good Design Awards, receiving the New Focus Award and being listed among the “Best 100” designs in 2023.
The E501 arrived in Hualien on Sept. 17. (TRA photo)
A crowd eagerly awaits the arrival of the E501 train engine on Oct 28. (TRA photo)
Five generations of TRA engines on display at the Chaozhou factory and warehouse, Oct. 28. (CNA photo)