TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Nutritionist Gao Min-min (高敏敏) advised people to consume more ginger, which is nutritious and more plentiful in winter.
Ginger can help the body through the shorter days and long nights of winter, per ETtoday. Gao said there are many health benefits associated with ginger, and different types dependent on age, which he outlined below.
Health benefits
1) Improved circulation
Ginger contains the compound gingerol, which promotes blood circulation, Gao said. If you feel cold, drink hot ginger tea, or add ginger when stir-frying vegetables or preparing soup.
2) Anti-inflammatory properties
Ginger also contains shogaols, compounds similar to gingerol that can prevent and improve joint pain.
3) Increased metabolism
As the weather cools, most people suffer from a slower metabolism, but ginger can help boost metabolism.
4) Increased appetite and digestion
Ginger can stimulate the liver to secrete bile, improving digestion and alleviating gastrointestinal discomfort.
Ginger types
1) Young ginger (子江) has a mild, slightly floral taste when cooked due to its young age. This ginger has a smaller warming effect than older gingers, and it is best to consume when the weather is humid.
2) Fresh ginger (生薑), also known as pink ginger, has a pungent and warm taste. For this reason, chefs recommend pairing it with foods that are cooler.
3) Old ginger (老江) is spicy and warm. It is recommended to consume this type of ginger to improve metabolism and circulation.
4) Ginger mother (薑母) is the most mature ginger and the spiciest. It is well suited to those looking to fortify their health.