TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan Representative to Switzerland David W. F. Huang (黃偉峰) reaffirmed Taiwan’s sovereignty in a keynote speech on Thursday (March 7) in Switzerland.
Swiss think tank Foraus invited Huang to speak at the University of Zurich, attracting nearly 200 attendees, per CNA. Huang summarized recent events in the Taiwan Strait, such as China’s adjustment of the M503 flight path.
“China has never ruled Taiwan and lacks a legal basis for sovereignty over Taiwan under international law,” he said. Huang added that recent Chinese interventions in Taiwan’s elections, unilateral changes to the M503 flight route, and the incident involving Chinese speedboats near Kinmen are examples of China’s gray-zone warfare tactics.
Regarding China’s aggressive actions in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, Huang said the recent collision between Chinese and Philippine coast guard ships and China’s regular patrols around Kinmen are examples of China's anti-access and area denial strategy. These actions aim to breach the defense of the United States' First Island Chain in the Pacific, undermine the rules-based international order, and reveal China’s expansionist ambitions, he said.
Huang stressed that Taiwan owns Taiping Island and will continue to safeguard its interest in the South China Sea. However, Taiwan is willing to set aside disputes and conduct multilateral talks to promote regional peace and prosperity, Huang added.
The speech concluded with a lively Q&A session. The audience asked Huang questions about Taiwan-Philippine relations and U.N. General Assembly Resolution 2758, which looks at the "restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations."