TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Meteorologists predict that western and northeast Taiwan will see heavy rain for five days from Wednesday to Sunday (April 24-28).
The Facebook community TyTech Taiwan on Tuesday (April 23) posted an image showing the European, U.S., and German precipitation forecast models for the next five days, indicating well over 130 mm of rainfall. It predicted from Tuesday to Sunday, Taiwan would experience rainy days, particularly in the west and Yilan-Hualien area.
TyTech added the first weather front is expected to arrive on Wednesday, bringing rain to a number of areas. Thursday is expected to have a brief respite during the day.
From Friday (April 26) to Sunday, a second weather front is forecast to arrive and is predicted to be stronger than the first, bringing significant rainfall.
Overall, the conditions remain conducive to rainfall and due to recent earthquakes, it is strongly advised not to go into mountainous areas or disaster zones.
Lin Te-en (#17E), head of National Taiwan University's Center for Weather and Climate Disaster Research, on Wednesday estimated that rainfall would be the heaviest from Thursday evening to Saturday (April 25-27). Lin predicted that central and southern Taiwan, including mountainous areas, will also see significant amounts of rain.
For Wednesday, Lin forecast temperatures ranging between 22 to 25 C. Due to increased cloud cover and rainfall, along with a weak northerly wind, temperatures in the north and northeast are expected to be slightly cooler, with highs ranging between 23 to 26 C.
In other areas, highs are forecast to be between 27 to 31 C.