TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The second round of a second phase of talks under the United States-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade wrapped up in Taipei on Friday (May 3) after discussions about agriculture, environmental protection, and labor issues.
In June last year, the two sides signed accords on small and medium enterprises, measures against corruption, regulatory practices, and customs procedures. The second phase of talks began with a round in Washington, D.C. last August, with a second round of talks conducted in Taiwan over the past five days, per CNA.
The Executive Yuan described the talks as a marathon session that included a hearing with more than 20 stakeholders. The discussions improved understanding of legal frameworks and policies, the government said.
On the environment issue, the two sides discussed cooperation on the promotion of green businesses, green employment, and the reduction of carbon emissions. The elimination of forced labor from supply chains and the use of trade as a force for positive change were subjects broached during the talks about labor policies.
Exchanges on agriculture centered on the role of science and legislation in promoting trade in farm produce. The Cabinet noted that aides from the U.S. Congress had formed a bipartisan group of observers to meet with trade officials in Taiwan.