TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Mango farmers in Hualien have applied for disaster subsidies following a poor harvest resulting from low temperatures in March.
According to a Hualien County press release on Friday (May 31), farmers in Ruisui, Zhuoxi, and Yuli townships reported their crops were hit hard. The damage in Yuli and Zhuoxi Townships exceeded 30%, while Ruisui Township’s was nearer 25%.
Hualien County Department of Agriculture Director Chen Shu-wen (陳淑雯) said the persistent low temperatures in March caused poor flowering and deformed fruits for improved mango varieties nationally. Affected farmers will receive NT$100,000 (US$3,000) per hectare, per CNA.
Hualien County Magistrate Hsu Chen-wei (徐榛蔚) said farmers could apply for subsidies and disaster certificates for low-interest loans at the township office from May 31 to June 11, including weekends and holidays. If the last day falls on a holiday, the deadline will be extended to the next working day, she added.
Eligible recipients must meet the requirements of Article 5 of the “Agricultural Natural Disaster Relief Act,” which includes being a person actively engaged in agricultural production, having a reported loss rate of 20% or more, and receiving relief only once per calendar year for the same agricultural product.