TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Navy is allocating NT$1.80 billion (US$55.52 million) to purchase six fast minelayers by 2027 to bolster the security of Taiwan’s ports and waterways.
The additional ships will be built by Lung Teh Shipbuilding Co. and work alongside its fleet of four fast minelayers, Liberty Times reported. In the open tender for legal services related to the fast minelayers, the Navy included an option to procure more vessels in 2028 and 2029.
The planned fast minelayers are approximately 40 meters in length and 8.8 meters in width, with a full-load displacement of around 376 tons. Each vessel can carry 32-64 domestically-produced Wan Hsiang naval mines, deployed from four fixed mine-laying tracks at the midship and aft sections. Mines can be launched manually or remotely.
Once all ships are delivered, Taiwan’s nearshore mine-laying operations will be enhanced, per Liberty Times. The nation will be able to counter enemy amphibious assaults.