April unemployment falls to lowest level in Taiwan for 24 years
Hotel and restaurant sector records 20th consecutive month of job growth
Hotel and restaurant sector records 20th consecutive month of job growth
Hotel and restaurant sector records 20th consecutive month of job growth
Hotel and restaurant sector records 20th consecutive month of job growth
Lunar New Year holiday led to increase in number of job seekers
Lunar New Year holiday led to increase in number of job seekers
Decline likely to continue in December based on 5 past years
Decline likely to continue in December based on 5 past years
DGBAS sees stable labor market
DGBAS sees stable labor market
Decline set to continue for remaining 2 months of 2022
Decline set to continue for remaining 2 months of 2022
Employees looking for new jobs around Lunar New Year holiday period the main cause
Employees looking for new jobs around Lunar New Year holiday period the main cause
Jobless rate almost back to April level
Jobless rate almost back to April level
Number of people working less than 35 hours weekly also jumped to 603,000
Number of people working less than 35 hours weekly also jumped to 603,000