Helicopter picks up 3 hikers from separate locations in Taiwan mountains
Hikers suffering from altitude sickness, uremia
Hikers suffering from altitude sickness, uremia
Hikers suffering from altitude sickness, uremia
Hikers suffering from altitude sickness, uremia
Double Ten rehearsals scheduled for early mornings
Double Ten rehearsals scheduled for early mornings
Crew members fired machine gun from Black Hawk helicopter
Crew members fired machine gun from Black Hawk helicopter
Black Hawks equipped with sophisticated thermal imaging, communication systems
Black Hawks equipped with sophisticated thermal imaging, communication systems
Black Hawk and Apache helicopters takepart in drills to defend country if attacked
Black Hawk and Apache helicopters takepart in drills to defend country if attacked
Combination of human error and environmental factors cause of incident thattook eight lives
Combination of human error and environmental factors cause of incident thattook eight lives
President Tsai Ing-wen promises compensation as well as reward programs for Taiwan military
President Tsai Ing-wen promises compensation as well as reward programs for Taiwan military
Taiwan Transportation Safety Board denies suggesting human error as possible cause of incident
Taiwan Transportation Safety Board denies suggesting human error as possible cause of incident
Han suggests Black Hawk crash caused by Taiwan being possessed, netizens say Kaohsiung is possessed
Han suggests Black Hawk crash caused by Taiwan being possessed, netizens say Kaohsiung is possessed
Rescue comes 2 days after Black Hawk helicopter crash that killed 8 Taiwanese military officials
Rescue comes 2 days after Black Hawk helicopter crash that killed 8 Taiwanese military officials