Taiwan's Hai Kun submarine loads with torpedoes
Domestically built submarine scheduled to leave dry dock
Domestically built submarine scheduled to leave dry dock
Domestically built submarine scheduled to leave dry dock
Domestically built submarine scheduled to leave dry dock
Features such as incept sonar, flank sonar array become visible
Features such as incept sonar, flank sonar array become visible
Both S Korea and Taiwan investigating leaks of classified material related to Taiwan's indigenous sub program
Both S Korea and Taiwan investigating leaks of classified material related to Taiwan's indigenous sub program
Defense minister warns 'one-sided statements or overinterpretation will only lead to unnecessary turmoil'
Defense minister warns 'one-sided statements or overinterpretation will only lead to unnecessary turmoil'
Video shows assembly process of major ship sections in time-lapse format
Video shows assembly process of major ship sections in time-lapse format
KMT Legislator Ma Wen-chun may face trial for sharing state secrets with South Korean engineers
KMT Legislator Ma Wen-chun may face trial for sharing state secrets with South Korean engineers
Retired admiral considers himself innocent bystander in dispute between former Navy adviser, legislator
Retired admiral considers himself innocent bystander in dispute between former Navy adviser, legislator
Former advisor to Taiwan’s Navy says KMT's Ma Wen-chun sought political rewards from China government
Former advisor to Taiwan’s Navy says KMT's Ma Wen-chun sought political rewards from China government
X-form type control surface is 'single greatest design risk'
X-form type control surface is 'single greatest design risk'