2 buildings in Taiwan's Hualien tilt after magnitude 6.3 quake
Full Hotel and Tong Shuai building in downtown Hualien partially collapse
Full Hotel and Tong Shuai building in downtown Hualien partially collapse
Full Hotel and Tong Shuai building in downtown Hualien partially collapse
Full Hotel and Tong Shuai building in downtown Hualien partially collapse
Level 5+ shock waves felt in Hualien County from magnitude 5.8 tremor
Level 5+ shock waves felt in Hualien County from magnitude 5.8 tremor
Taiwanese businesses in Philippines donate PHP600,000 to family of Hualienquake victim Melody Albano Castro
Taiwanese businesses in Philippines donate PHP600,000 to family of Hualienquake victim Melody Albano Castro
Taiwan Tourism Bureau offering NT$500 for travelersplanning to stay in Hualienfor at least three days and two nights
Taiwan Tourism Bureau offering NT$500 for travelersplanning to stay in Hualienfor at least three days and two nights
An official also urges the public to continue traveling to Hualiento help revive businessin the city
An official also urges the public to continue traveling to Hualiento help revive businessin the city
Tie-hsiung successfully foundearthquake survivors trapped in rubble while taking part in its first official mission
Tie-hsiung successfully foundearthquake survivors trapped in rubble while taking part in its first official mission
The Filipinas body was discovered on the 7thfloor of the building in which she had beenworking
The Filipinas body was discovered on the 7thfloor of the building in which she had beenworking
I-Mei Foods donated NT$5 million for Hualien quake relief through the Ministry of Health and Welfare disaster reliefaccount on Thursday
I-Mei Foods donated NT$5 million for Hualien quake relief through the Ministry of Health and Welfare disaster reliefaccount on Thursday