US Pacific Fleet chief says RIMPAC naval drills not directed against China
Exercises include skills, technologies useful in potential conflicts
Exercises include skills, technologies useful in potential conflicts
Exercises include skills, technologies useful in potential conflicts
Exercises include skills, technologies useful in potential conflicts
Congress called for Taiwan's presence at maritime drills in NDAA 2022
Congress called for Taiwan's presence at maritime drills in NDAA 2022
Analyst believes US will seek to avoid irking China by including Taiwan in live-fire drills
Analyst believes US will seek to avoid irking China by including Taiwan in live-fire drills
Law also calls for intelligence on Chinese efforts to subvert Taiwan, increased cooperation with US National Guard
Law also calls for intelligence on Chinese efforts to subvert Taiwan, increased cooperation with US National Guard
Bill also calls for intelligence on Chinese efforts to subvert Taiwan, increased cooperation with US National Guard
Bill also calls for intelligence on Chinese efforts to subvert Taiwan, increased cooperation with US National Guard
Bill also calls for increased cooperation between US National Guard and Taiwan military
Bill also calls for increased cooperation between US National Guard and Taiwan military