Thirst of north Taiwan reservoirs quenched by typhoon Hinnamnor
Northern Taiwan's reservoirs expected to be 'filled up all at once' by substantial rains
Northern Taiwan's reservoirs expected to be 'filled up all at once' by substantial rains
Northern Taiwan's reservoirs expected to be 'filled up all at once' by substantial rains
Northern Taiwan's reservoirs expected to be 'filled up all at once' by substantial rains
Week-long Shimen Reservoir Hot Air Balloon Festival makes comeback
Week-long Shimen Reservoir Hot Air Balloon Festival makes comeback
99.1 millimeters of rain fell from Friday through Monday on Taoyuan Citys Shihmen Reservoir
99.1 millimeters of rain fell from Friday through Monday on Taoyuan Citys Shihmen Reservoir
Man-made rain and new project in Hsinchu are expected to help with water supply
Man-made rain and new project in Hsinchu are expected to help with water supply
Upcoming rain season should help raise water level
Upcoming rain season should help raise water level