Cooler weather forecast for northern Taiwan midweek
Low of 20 C predicted for north, northeast Taiwan starting Wednesday
Low of 20 C predicted for north, northeast Taiwan starting Wednesday
Low of 20 C predicted for north, northeast Taiwan starting Wednesday
Low of 20 C predicted for north, northeast Taiwan starting Wednesday
'Lightning train' spanning over 1,000 kilometers in south China, approaching Taiwan from Tuesday to Thursday
'Lightning train' spanning over 1,000 kilometers in south China, approaching Taiwan from Tuesday to Thursday
2nd wave of northeasterly winds to bring cooler, wetter weather to north Taiwan throughout weekend
2nd wave of northeasterly winds to bring cooler, wetter weather to north Taiwan throughout weekend
Northeasterly winds will weaken slightly on Wednesday and Thursday, before intensifying again on Friday
Northeasterly winds will weaken slightly on Wednesday and Thursday, before intensifying again on Friday
'Autumn Tiger' to leap away from Taiwan on Oct. 5 as northeast monsoon arrives
'Autumn Tiger' to leap away from Taiwan on Oct. 5 as northeast monsoon arrives
100 mm of rain seen seen yesterday, mercury in northern Taiwan to drop down to 19 degrees Celsius today
100 mm of rain seen seen yesterday, mercury in northern Taiwan to drop down to 19 degrees Celsius today
Weather front, northeast monsoon to bring rain and cooler temperatures today to Taiwan
Weather front, northeast monsoon to bring rain and cooler temperatures today to Taiwan
Northeasterly winds will bring some respite tomorrow from sizzling temperatures in N. Taiwan
Northeasterly winds will bring some respite tomorrow from sizzling temperatures in N. Taiwan
The mercury in Tamsuidrops to 18.8 degrees Celsius, a record low for this fallin Taiwan
The mercury in Tamsuidrops to 18.8 degrees Celsius, a record low for this fallin Taiwan
A new weather front arriving in Taiwan today will bring wetter and cooler weather over the weekend
A new weather front arriving in Taiwan today will bring wetter and cooler weather over the weekend