Taiwanese student takes 1st in EPA contest for origami lid design
College students creative paper cup design eliminates need for plastic lid
College students creative paper cup design eliminates need for plastic lid
College students creative paper cup design eliminates need for plastic lid
College students creative paper cup design eliminates need for plastic lid
Plastic overuse remains unsolved issue as retail businesses dodge responsibility
Plastic overuse remains unsolved issue as retail businesses dodge responsibility
Convenience store giant continues to pursue profits at expense of environment
Convenience store giant continues to pursue profits at expense of environment
More restrictions and commitments imposed to free Taiwan from plastic waste pollution
More restrictions and commitments imposed to free Taiwan from plastic waste pollution
The last straw: Ban on single-use plastic straws goes into effect on July 1
The last straw: Ban on single-use plastic straws goes into effect on July 1
KFC has stopped serving plastic straws with drinks at all 150 eateries in Taiwan
KFC has stopped serving plastic straws with drinks at all 150 eateries in Taiwan
A star-studded campaign calls on Hong Kong residents to reduce their use of disposable plastic products and protect the environment
A star-studded campaign calls on Hong Kong residents to reduce their use of disposable plastic products and protect the environment
Huge chaotic mess of plastic trash found inside pregnant whale in Hualien, Taiwan
Huge chaotic mess of plastic trash found inside pregnant whale in Hualien, Taiwan
The move will see 8000 businesses barred from offering customers plastic straws
The move will see 8000 businesses barred from offering customers plastic straws
Incentives for more eco-products and awareness are needed
Incentives for more eco-products and awareness are needed