Taiwan military abandons plans to fly voters to Kinmen
Ministry of National Defense unable to respond to snap request for more planes from CAA
Ministry of National Defense unable to respond to snap request for more planes from CAA
Ministry of National Defense unable to respond to snap request for more planes from CAA
Ministry of National Defense unable to respond to snap request for more planes from CAA
43 possible Election and Recall Act violations reported by Saturday noon
43 possible Election and Recall Act violations reported by Saturday noon
Debate sessions for four referendums to kick off Nov. 13
Debate sessions for four referendums to kick off Nov. 13
The DPP can't afford to lose support from the countrys 7 million-strong bloc of young voters
The DPP can't afford to lose support from the countrys 7 million-strong bloc of young voters
Young voters traditionally have a lower election turnout
Young voters traditionally have a lower election turnout
The legal voting age for referendumshas been lowered to 18
The legal voting age for referendumshas been lowered to 18
The threshold to start and pass referendums in Taiwan has been lowered as well as the voting age to 18
The threshold to start and pass referendums in Taiwan has been lowered as well as the voting age to 18